Health tracking: simple & automatic

We track the pillars of wellness: Physical Activity, Mental Wellness, Nutrition & Sleep. And motivate deeper health improvement with Biological Age.

Stay Active

Our physical activity tracking suite

Our platform simplifies the process of collecting, monitoring, and analyzing your health data. With easy-to-use tools and personalized insights, you can take control of your well-being and make positive changes.

Share your activity route and stats with your friends and colleagues

Track Steps, Distance & Calories

As you walk, our app records your steps, automatically and offline.

Screenshot of APP: Record Sessions and get your route, speed, distance and other statistics

Record Sessions - Walks, Runs & Cycling

Get 20+ stats and your route on map in dark and light themes

Track trends and get insights for your activity

Track progress, trends and get insights

View how you've done with daily, weekly and monthly breakdowns.

Share your activity route and stats with your friends and colleagues

Share progress with friends and colleagues

Capture each milestone and share it with your friends and colleagues to motivate them, and receive some love!

We support every fitness tracker on the market

We know carrying a phone while exercising is irritating. We've spent years making sure our tracking suite is seamless!


Manage workplace stress

Mindfulness & Meditation Sessions


Guided meditations & breathing

Promote a culture of mental wellbeing with our suite of guided meditations and breathing exercises.


Daily mood check-ins

Let your team log their mood, discover patterns and get recommendations to achieve all-round happiness.


Experts at your service

Get mental wellness experts to give webinars and spread awareness, or setup on-demand counselling when the need arises!

Fuel up

Nutrition & Hydration

Gift your team personalised recommendations and keep their body's fuel on track!

Monitor your fuel

Track calorie intake & trends.

Log meals, get macro breakdowns and pay attention to your calorie, carb and fat consumption.

App Screenshot: Food logging and calorie tracking
App Screenshots: Diet Plans

Give personalised diet plans.

AI-powered diet plans give meal recommendations that are healthy, regional and factor in any allergies or health conditions.

Water logging & reminders

Stay hydrated with water reminders.

Set a daily water goal or get a personalised one. Get reminders at regular intervals that you control, and log in one-click.

App ScreenShot: Coming Soon

Other Health Trackers

Stay on top of your health with our easy-to-use tracking system.


Weight & BMI

Track weight and BMI and view trends.


Heart Rate

Measure Heart Rate, HRV and other metrics that indicate productivity and stress levels.



Keep a track of how well you sleep, consistency and quality.

Coming Soon

Biological Age

Our gamified approach to the pursuit of longevity and preventative health.


Learn more about our health tracking feature and how it ensures privacy.

How is data protected?

We prioritise the security of your data and follow strict protocols to protect it from unauthorised access. Data is encrypted in transit and our databases are secured by cloud leading security measures.

Can I track my steps?

Absolutely! Once you download our app, steps start counting automatically. We also provide ways to connect fitness trackers so that you don't have to carry your phone every time you walk.

Is the app user-friendly?

Yes, our app is designed to be simple, intuitive and user-friendly, making it easy for everyone to track their health and wellness.

How accurate is the tracking?

Our health tracking feature utilizes advanced technology to provide accurate and reliable data for your wellness journey. Additionally, we read data from Apple Health, Google Fit, Health Connect to ensure accuracy.

Can I sync other devices?

Yes, you can easily sync your health tracking devices with our platform to consolidate all your data in one place.

Still have questions?

Contact our team for further assistance.

Transform Your Workplace Wellness

Discover our innovative corporate wellness platform that promotes a happy and healthy workforce.